Monday, December 30, 2019
Poetry Is So Much More And The Poem By Wilfred Owen, Dulce...
Poetry is a very fascinating based literature that can express the emotions of an individual whether it be about love, happiness or even anger. It has so many different uses that ultimately get the point that is trying to be made across, but its not as easy as it may seem to create a work of literature art. Having imagination and creativity is what is necessary, but without that, there will only be an occurrence of random words that happen to rhyme when put together, but even to that extent, poetry is so much more and the poem by Wilfred Owen, Dulce et Decorum Est surely shows that poetic art is something that takes time to achieve. When I speak of art, I am referring to the rhyme scheme, flow,symbol and all the other various products that go into a poem. With intelligence I specifically am speaking of history related references in the poem, word play and hidden meanings that take more than one look to understand and with this poem, it is definitely possible to find both art and inte lligence. Now the poem is about the poet and his experience in World War 1, it begins with him and his comrades, after a long and fierce battle, they are headed home, wounded both mentally and physically, but without even the slightest hint, they were surrounded by toxic gas. The poet himself was able to quickly get his gas mask on, but sadly for a few others that was unlikely and he watched in horror as his comrades lay, choking on the toxic fumes that are circulating through their lungs andShow MoreRelatedWilfred Owen s `` Dulce Et Decorum Est And Who s For The Game?1729 Words  | 7 PagesTwo poems, written during the First World War – one which its sole purpose was for propaganda (which is known for its romanticisation of war and lies) and one which tries to expose the truth. Normally, there wouldn’t be any similarities between two such poems that appear to be complete opposites – but what if there was? Despite the obvious similarities and differences, for example: ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ was written by a man named Wilfred Owen – a soldier in World War One – and ‘Who’s For the GameRead MoreWilfred Owen s A Soldier For The Allies1707 Words  | 7 Pagesaffected by World War I. Wilfred Owen was a soldier for the allies, an alliance composed of the United States, England, France. He bravely gave his life to attempt to end the war. However, before he died, he wrote a number of poems based on the things he endured while fighting in the war. Wilfred Owen uses his experiences from war, such as a gassing and a surprise attack gone wrong, as inspiration for his poetry; he uses his experiences to illustrate the horrors of war. Wilfred Owen was born in OswestryRead MoreCompare the Different Views of War in the Poems ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ by Wilfred Owen and ‘the Man He Killed’ by Thomas Hardy976 Words  | 4 Pagescomparing the two poems, ‘The Man He Killed’ by Thomas Hardy and ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ by Wilfred Owen. ‘The Man He Killed’ is about a man who was in the war and is thinking about his memories in the war. The main part of his experience in the war that he is reminiscing is the killing that he committed and the majority of the poem is focused on that. Thomas Hardy did not go to war himself but it could be thought that he got the idea from a friends experience in the war. The poem is based on the BoerRead MoreA comparison of poems by Wilfred Owen â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†and â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth†Wilfred800 Words  | 4 Pagescomparison of poems by Wilfred Owen â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†and â €Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth†Wilfred Owen fought in the ww1. He enrolled into army at an early age which was probably influenced by the government’s enticing and false advertising. However in the trenches Owen soon discovered the reality of war and how horrific the war was. At first he started to take notes about the conditions. Then later in a military hospital he edited and turned these notes into poetry. â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†is a LatinRead MorePoem, The Charge Of The Light Brigade And Dulce Et Decorum Est1841 Words  | 8 PagesLiterary Studies May 8, 2017 Literary Research Paper Tennyson Owen War Poems Their Ideas The poems, The Charge of The Light Brigade and Dulce et Decorum Est, both deal with an idea of war. The writers both have the same viewpoint about war, but the way that they articulate those ideas on paper varies. Through literary devices in the poems, the authors show two different wars, but the same tragic outcome – death. These two poems showcase how people can have different outlooks on war, but in theRead More The soldier by Rupert Brooke and Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen886 Words  | 4 PagesWar Poetry - The soldier by Rupert Brooke and Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen The poems The soldier by Rupert Brooke and Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen are related to the events in WWI. These two poems concentrate on a similar subject, going to war, but have totally different points of view and contradict each other. Rupert Brooke has a patriotic point of view meanwhile Wilfred Owen has a critical opinion. Both of the authors use their own knowledge to show us how soldiersRead MorePoetry Comparison Essay1369 Words  | 6 PagesPoetry Comparison There have been many wars throughout time. Most people learn the facts through: papers, films, books or poems, but I am comparing two similar poems which have different meanings. Wilfred Owen who wrote the poem Dulce et Decorum est or Lord Alfred Tennyson who wrote The Charge of the Light Brigade. They are both based around the theme of war. Lord Alfred Tennyson is pro war and thinks its a good thing to die for your country. His poem was writtenRead MoreAnalytical Essay on Wilfred Owens War Poetry- Dulce Et Decorum Est- by Za1715 Words  | 7 PagesAnalytical Essay on â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†By ZA 2010 and 15 years of Age British war poet, Wilfred Owen, incorporates many techniques of poetry writing in his works. As a soldier, Owen often wrote poems which described the misery and hardships on the fronts of World War One. To illustrate the image and scenes of the conflict, Owen uses an array of techniques which can be noticed in his poem â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†In the poem, â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†, Owen recollects the event of a gas attack on returningRead MoreWorld War I Poetry with Emphasis on Wilfred Owens1003 Words  | 5 Pagestechnological advances increased the danger for the soldiers who took part in battle. Poison gas and trench warfare transformed World War I into a cesspool of sickness and death. Poetry during World War I provided a way to connect people back home with the horrific lifestyle soldiers had to face on a daily basis. Poets such as Wilfred Owens used vivid imagery, dire diction, and other literary devices to depict the grueling tasks of warfare. World War I, otherwise known as the Great War, began on June 28thRead Morewar poems1348 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Question: Wilfred Owen’s poetry is shaped by an intense focus on extraordinary human experiences. Select TWO poems set for study and explore Owen’s portrayal of suffering and pity. Prescribed text: War Poems and Others, Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen wrote about the suffering and pity of war from his first -hand experience at the Somme. He was appalled by the overwhelming and senseless waste of life, the â€Å"human squander†and detailed its devastating effects on young men. In both ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Resource Based View - 604 Words
VISUAL CONSIDERATIONS Visual considerations should be given prior importance while designing an automobile as it has direct effects on its design and design is supposed to be a very crucial factor as undoubtedly it is the thing that decides whether people are going to like it and buy it or not. With increase in age, there is gradual loss of elasticity in almost all the muscles of the body including muscles of eyes. This reduction in elasticity of the eye muscles lead to inability of the person to focus on an object kept at a distance. This condition gets worse in the situation of dim light or excess light. Along with decreased muscle elasticity, the lens of the eye also become less transparent with increasing age as there is alteration†¦show more content†¦(Retchin et al., 1988). 2. There is sharp decrease in the degrees of lateral peripheral vision with age. It reduces by nearly 17 degrees in the people above 65 (Burg 1968). Vision field loss 1. According to the data available, it is noted that the chances of developing visual field loss in the age of 16 yrs to 60 years is nearly 3 to 3.5 % which increases to nearly 13% for the people above 65 years of age.(Johnson and Keltner, 1983). 2. For individuals above the age of 65, the risk of development of visual field defects increase by nearly five times than the individuals below this age. (Johnson and Keltner, 1983). Glare/Night legibility 1. Due to degradation in quality of the lens with increasing age, the glare is impaired. Actually, the increase in opacity of the lens leads to inability of the eyes to view objects having less contrast especially in the dark. (Pulling et al., 1980). 2. It has been studied that inability to see anything in night for a fraction of second, also known as temporary visual impairment, caused by the bright headlight of the coming vehicle is more common in old people (Wolf, 1960; Pulling et al., 1980). It is also seen that the people who are already suffering from night blindness do not show any increased risk with age. In fact, there are chances that night vision impairment is less reported in such cases (McCloskey et al.,Show MoreRelatedResource Based View1663 Words  | 7 PagesAssignment The purpose of this abstract is to summarize and evaluate the paper „Is the resource-based â€Å"view†a useful perspective for strategic management research â€Å" written by RICHARD L. PRIEM and JOHN E. BUTLER. I. Summarization The authors try to clarify the fundamental theoretical statements of the resource based view (RBV) and specify its fundamental contributions to knowledge. PRIEM and BUTLER try to answer two basic questions: 1. Is the foundational and unembellished RBV actually aRead MoreHow Dynamic Capabilities And Thereby Enhancing The Value Of Resource -based View942 Words  | 4 PagesIn this paper, authors are exploring the concept of Dynamic Capabilities and thereby enhancing the value of Resource -based View (RBV) literature. Scholars have criticized RBV for its inability to explain the mechanism by which resources contribute to competitive advantage. Some scholars consider RBV as a vague and tautological concept. The authors attempt to address some of these concerns. The authors focus on the nature of dynamic capabilities, the impact of market dynamism on dynamic capabilitiesRead MoreResource Based View1648 Words  | 7 PagesMaster: Business Administration Specialization: Human Resource Management Resource Based View: A short review of its main strengths and weaknesses Short introduction, definition and characteristics The Resource Based View (RBV) is a useful business management tool that, in recent years, has been attracting the attention of a growing number of researchers. The popularity of this influential contemporary theory comes primarily from the fact that it combines both strategic and organizationalRead MoreResource Based View2615 Words  | 11 Pagesthe emergence of a growing body of work collectively labelled the resource and capability-based view of the firm (RBV). In reality, Resource Competence View (RCV) first adopted an â€Å"economic†orientation. Pioneer studies (Wernerfelt, 1984) , Barney, 1986, 1991, Dierickx and Cool, 1989, Peteraf, 1993) focused on the type of resources and competencies that could offer to its owner a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, resources and competencies approach first appeared as a theory of competitiveRead MoreGame Not over, Not Yet Essay607 Words  | 3 Pagesorganization view (I/O) is their choice of industry is very attra ctive. Todays world consist of many people who spend several hours playing video games. EA is from this aspect is stacking up ok against their competitors but they are also failing in their position. EA’s sales are down from previous years and they also missed the initial social gaming trend of which they are now trying hard to develop a digital platform for many of their popular games. The next perspective is resource-based view (RBV). EA’sRead MoreHow Zara Generates Sustainable Competitive Advantage1680 Words  | 7 PagesDrawing on the Resource Based View literature, evaluate whether and how Zara generates sustainable competitive advantage Introduction The Resource-Based View, is a model that sees resources a key to superior firm performance. Resources include all assets, capabilities, organizational processes, firm attributes, information, knowledge and other major elements controlled by a firm’ (Barney, J, 1991). Theoretical Models- (Heterogeneity and First-Mover Advantage) A model identified is that of the ‘first-moverRead MoreStrategic Management in Business Essay2705 Words  | 11 Pageseffectively in companies or they are unconnected. In order to remain one step ahead from their competitors firms should respond what is going around and react preventively to that. The capability to match sources and opportunity viably, to outfit this resource and fulfill client desire, gathering execution focuses all the while, and to change things as and when they are essential, are exceptionally needy upon the key authority of the association borrowing the society and values common with associationRead MoreThe Resource Based View Of A Company Essay943 Words  | 4 PagesThe resource-based view of a company focuses on the internal resources and capabilities of the company and includes the tangible and intangible assets that it controls (Barney Hesterly 2015, p.64). Strategic evaluation is essential in guiding a company on its mission and is a continuing process of planning, review and control involving the appraisal of the company plan and the actual results (Rumelt 1998, p55, p.63). There are four broad criteria to test the company’s strategies potential flawsRead MoreResource-Based View of a Firm4400 Words  | 18 PagesRESOURCE-BASED-VIEW OF A FIRM LITERATURE REVIEW 3 Introduction- What is the Resource-Based-View of a Firm? 3 Resource-Based-View -Background 3 Resources Capabilities of a Firm 4 Firm Resources Sustainable Competitive Advantage 5 Value 5 Rareness 6 Inimitability- Is it hard to copy? 6 Non- Substitutability 7 Durability 7 Imperfect Mobility 8 Appropriability- Who captures the value the resource creates? 8 Competitive Superiority 9 The RBV of a Firms Ability to Innovate 10 ConclusionRead MoreSwot Analysis : Resource Based View Essay1540 Words  | 7 Pages INTRODUCTION Resource based view (RBV) is a model that examines the link between a firm’s effectiveness and efficiency of internal element, and its excellent performance (Barney, 1991). This model proposes that sustained competitive advantage encompasses a firm’s wide range of resources such as organizational, social, and individual phenomena that are valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable and non-substitutable (VRIN). Therefore, it is crucial and vital for the relevant resources to possess all four
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Coal Keeps the Lights on Free Essays
He would go in at dark and leave at dark and often go without eating or taking a break because his Job was so demanding. Even though mining was dangerous and vigorous work he loved his Job. In 1966 his pay was $3. We will write a custom essay sample on Coal Keeps the Lights on or any similar topic only for you Order Now 25 an hour, for that day and time he was making good money. In 1980 when he had to quit due to health issues his top pay was $26. 00 an hour. 00nes) fit was hard, but I had a Job to do. Coal keeps the lights on. said Delbert. His Job came with many responsibilities. He had to take care of himself, make sure his workers were all safe and make sure they got the Job done. Cones) When he got his Job finished he was ready to go home to his wife and family. Delbert said there was nothing better than the boss saying may boys lets shut her down, its time to go home. That was something they looked forward to after a long days work. Upchurch 2 He knew when he was a little boy he was going to be a coal miner. His grandfather, father and many close relatives and friends were all coal miners. If you lived in Harlan, more than likely you were going to be working in the mines. The best thing he liked about his Job was the challenge of hard work. He said he loved anything that came as challenge to him, he loved when he achieved exactly what he set out to do. Cones) Jones said he misses working in the mines. If his health was better he would be right back. He also said that most of his family worked in the mines, but he wouldn*†° want any of his grandchildren going through what he did to provide for his family. He said It was a good Job, but he could live without the aches and pain he feels veryday. Cones) Although life in the mines were hard, it was even harder on his body. The twenty two years he gave the mines gave him back one destroyed body. He ended up having black lung disease from inhaling all of the coal dust which eventually turned in to COPD Cones) He also nad to go through six back surgeries trom all ot the bending over and crawling he had to do. He said if you work in the mines you will come out with an old tattered up and worn down body. He would love to be living in Harlan, working dusk til dawn living the coal miners life. It was and will always be apart of who he is. Two of his sons also worked in the mines along side of him. They didn*†° put nearly as many years as he did, but put enough in to both be disabled with back injuries. Jones said it was important to him that he see them get out of there before they got *lack lungand It take over the rest of their lives. He said he would have loved it if his body would have let him work long enough to retire from the mines. That was one of the goals he had set for himself that he didn*†° get to accomplish. Jones said he is somewhat thankful he got out when he did, if not the stress of the Job may have been too hard on How to cite Coal Keeps the Lights on, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Social Media Marketing Platform Netflix
Question: Discuss about the Social Media Marketing Platform Netflix. Answer: Introduction: Netflix is a company that provides the users with a platform to watch television shows and movies online. The marketing objectives of Netflix include the inclusion of enhanced number of users to increase the visits on the site and to make people aware about the various subscription plans that are offered by the site. There are a number of marketing tools and platforms and the latest addition in the list is the social media marketing platform. Netflix has been making use of social media as a marketing platform and can further utilize the same through social media marketing tools such as Facebook and YouTube. These social marketing tools would allow the marketing and advertising of the videos and plans that are offered by Netflix with much ease (Assaad and Gomez, 2011). Facebook and YouTube would allow the marketing agents associated with Netflix to target specific users as per their preferences and choices. There are massive numbers of users who share their interests, likes and dislikes on Facebook and the browsing history of the user on YouTube can also provide a clear picture of the same. This data and information would allow the marketing team to come up with specific advertisements and marketing campaigns for various users groups (Pradiptarini, 2016). For instance, there may be a trending shift in the interest of the users towards thriller as a genre and the promotional offer maybe rolled out through Netflix with a special discount on a popular thriller series and the subscription for the same. Such activities and marketing campaigns would allow the users to connect with Netflix and the engagement and involvement of the users will also show a marked improvement. There are representatives from the television and movie world that associate with N etflix for the promotion of their respective work. Social media tools can also be utilized for the same with the release of a teaser or trailer of a television show or movie through Netflix on the various social network platforms. Facebook and YouTube have options such as like and share associated with each post and the same would allow the viewers to further spread a particular video. Apart from reaching a targeted audience and gaining the objective of customer engagement, social marketing tools would also allow the overall increase in the web traffic for Netflix (Odhiambo, 2016). There are also insights available for each of the page that is created on Facebook that gives statistics and information such as number of likes received, views on a particular post, likes on a particular post and likewise. This information could then be used by the marketing team of Netflix to gain an idea of the customer involvement and engagement along with the changes that may be done in the marketing strategy. These tools would be an easy medium for expanding the customer base and would also be cost effective in nature as there will be no costs associated in the marketing activities such as infrastructure or operational costs. These tools would also allow the users of Netflix to put forward their specific demands or expectation through the Facebook page or in the comments of a particular video on YouTube (Neti, 2011). References Assaad, W. and Gomez, J. (2011). Social Network in marketing (Social Media Marketing) Opportunities and Risks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2016]. Neti, M. (2011). Social Media and its Role in Marketing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2016]. Odhiambo, C. (2016). Social Media as a Tool for Marketing and Creating Brand Awareness. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2016]. Pradiptarini, C. (2016). Social Media Marketing: Measuring Its Effectiveness and Identifying the Target Market. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2016].
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